Changes in renal dimensions, including total kidney volume, not only inform ongoing renal\ndisease but also disease progression. Determination of renal dimensions can inform drug efficacy,\nis important for matching recipients with potential donors, and to inform debulking of renal tumors.\nImaging of kidney and application of the ellipse-based formula has become standard for estimating\nrenal dimensions. Nevertheless, the existing ellipse-based formula underestimates renal dimensions\nincluding total kidney volume, regardless of the imaging modality used. Based on a model of murine\nkidney disease, this laboratory has previously proposed a modification to this formula which exhibits\nbetter estimation of renal dimensions. The present study sought to determine whether this modified\nformula is applicable to additional models of kidney disease. Kidneys were sourced from etiologically\ndistinct murine and rat models of renal scarring. In each case, renal dimensions calculated using the\nexisting ellipse-based formula was significantly lesser than the measured dimensions. By contrast,\nthere was no difference between the measured dimensions and those calculated using the modified\nformula. In a model of polycystic kidney disease, total kidney volume calculated using the existing\nformula significantly underestimated measured kidney volume whereas use of the modified formula\nyielded a calculated kidney volume in excellent agreement with the measured volume. Use of this\nmodified formula provides a better estimate of renal dimensions across a number of disease models.